Homestay Students Terms and Conditions 2024

All students must agree to abide by the following terms and conditions, which may be varied by Talkabout Tours PTY LTD (TAT) at its discretion.


1.1 Homestay Hosts are to provide students with:

  • Breakfast (self-serve) and dinner seven days a week and provision for lunches on weekends during the period of homestay. (If standard homestay requested) Weekday lunches can be provided for an extra fee.
  • A fully furnished private bedroom.
  • Use of utilities (within reasonable limits as set by the household for all household members).
  • Internet (for study purposes only).

1.2 Students are liable for the cost of excessive use of electricity, water and gas (refer to 6.5) incurred during the homestay period.

  • Students are liable for personal internet costs (entertainment, streaming, gaming etc)
  • Students will be liable for an extra weekly surcharge if they have special dietary requests ie. Kosher, Halal and Vegan

1.5 Students are entitled to 24-hour emergency contact with TAT.

  1. FEES

2.1 The placement fee for homestay is non-refundable once the placement has been made.

2.2 The homestay fee is calculated on a nightly basis. Divide weekly fee by 7 to arrive at a daily rate.

2.3 Homestay fees are to be paid in advance.

2.4* The confirmation of Homestay placement will not be provided until payment of homestay fees has been received –normally a minimum of 21 days before the homestay start date. TAT reserves the right to charge an administrative fee of $80 for late payment. Please inform TAT if you are having difficulty paying homestay fees.

2.5* Homestay payments are to be made to Talkabout Tours PTY LTD by direct deposit, electronic funds transfer (EFT) or credit card. EFT (incurs a $15.00 Bank Fee if transferred from overseas and credit cards incur a 2.5% Fee)  Local bank transfers are free of charge.

A copy of the payment receipt should be emailed to [email protected]. Money is to be converted to Australian dollars before transfer.

2.6* Applications should be made at least four weeks prior to the arrival date. Late applications will be considered at the discretion of TAT.

  • Items 2.1 and 2.3 to 2.6 may not apply to Study Group programs. These programs will be subject to conditions specified in the individual agreements between TAT and the participating institution.

2.7 Students will be invoiced for their homestay dates requested on their application form.  Students can opt for 10-weekly invoices or 5-weekly by special arrangement. A new invoice will be sent out every ten weeks and will need to be paid by the Due Date, which is two weeks before each block.


3.1 The minimum period of homestay available is 2 weeks for all students except study group programmes

3.2 Students who leave early and require a refund are subject to a $40.00 administration fee.

3.3 Student placement can only be guaranteed for the period of the original time requested. Extension of the original placement is subject to availability.

3.4 Students are required to stay with their host family for a minimum period of two weeks to give themselves and the family time to adjust to each other. However, if exceptional circumstances require the student to be relocated within this period, this will be arranged promptly at no charge.

Note: After one free relocation, subsequent relocation requests may incur a placement fee, unless otherwise agreed to by TAT

3.5 Students or families need to give 2 weeks’ notice before parting company and must inform TAT at the onset of this.


In the event of the need to cancel homestay accommodation at any time, the following conditions will apply to refunds offered:

4.1 No refund of the placement fee will be made after work has begun on your request. *

4.2 Full refunds of accommodation fees, less placement fee will be given if a booking is cancelled nine days (9) or more days before your arrival.

4.3 Partial homestay refunds will be given if your booking is cancelled within eight (8) days of your arrival. You will be charged:

One (1) week accommodation fee (4 to 7 days)

Two (2) weeks accommodation fee (0-3 days)

4.4 A full refund applies if TAT refuses the application for homestay

* May not apply to Study Group programs. These programs will be subject to conditions specified in the individual agreements between TAT and the participating institution.

*Special Circumstances:

We appreciate that there are sometimes special circumstances where a guest must cancel due to events beyond their control. Guests and/or their agents are to immediately contact our office to discuss the circumstances with our staff.


5.1* A student is entitled to a full refund (less an administration charge of $40) of any remaining homestay fees in the event they cancel or reduce their term of homestay provided they inform TAT in writing no less than 28 days before their amended homestay end date. If less than 14 days of written notice is received by TAT, an administration charge equivalent to 1 week’s homestay fees will be deducted from the balance in the student’s homestay account. This fee will apply to any application submitted. This fee will also apply to students applying for homestay within 14 days of arrival. The placement fee is non-refundable.

5.2 Any reimbursement will be forwarded to the student, or the person nominated by the student within 28 days of the amended homestay end date.

5.3 Students going away for 1 week or more are liable for ½ the normal Homestay weekly fees for their bedroom to be held. This is a ‘Room Hold Fee’ and students must complete the appropriate link included in their Student Homestay Contract.

* May not apply to Study Group programs. These programs will be subject to conditions specified in the individual agreements between TAT and the participating institution.



6.1 I understand that Homestay is not a hotel service. I am prepared to be treated as any other member of the Homestay and respect all rules, advice, and judgment. I will ensure I clearly understand the rules of the Homestay through discussion in the initial stages of my stay.

6.2 I will make every effort to interact with the family members and be proactive (a positive and active family member) within the household. I will communicate to my homestay host, foods that I cannot or prefer not to eat. I will also try to try different foods.

6.3 I will try to behave in a manner consistent with my immediate environment and community. I will try not to be excessive in the use of electricity, water, gas etc. If there is any difference of opinion on this, I will discuss the issue with my homestay host. If an agreement cannot be reached, I will refer to the Dispute Resolution* below.

6.4 I am willing to accept any reasonable household rule that my homestay host sees fit to impose for my welfare. I understand that I must contribute to the household duties as other family members do. I will abide by the Homestay rules in regard to keeping my room tidy, washing dishes, laundry etc.

6.5 I will respect the property and privacy of my host homestay host’s personal belongings and affairs and acknowledge that I will be liable for all costs incurred by me during the homestay period which are not included in the homestay fee (refer to 1.3). Any excessive use of utilities will be defined as above and beyond normal usage for the household as evidenced by utility bills for comparable periods. If an agreement cannot be reached, I will refer to the Dispute Resolution* below. I acknowledge and agree that I will be liable for any loss or damage I deliberately cause to my host family’s property.

6.6 I will inform my homestay host of my whereabouts and plans each day. I will be punctual for meals and be home by the agreed acceptable time of return. I will contact my homestay if I am going to be late. I will seek permission well in advance from my homestay if I want to invite friends over.

6.7 I am aware that I should offer to pay for myself if my homestay host takes me out (meal, movie, zoo etc) or away (e.g. overnight or weekend trip). If I feel that the cost and/or frequency of outings are excessive, I am aware that I can decline my homestay host’s invitation.

6.8 I will not compare my homestay with that of other students/participants, nor will I comment on Homestays other than my own. I will not discuss any homestay problems/issues with other students/participants. I will discuss any problems with my family. Failing this I will contact TAT staff if I have any concerns about my homestay.

6.9 I will abide by Australian law at all times and be aware that laws and penalties may differ from my own country. I will also abide by the rules my home and school have set.

6.10 I will communicate any issues/problems with homestay staff during office hours (9.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday). Only in the case of an emergency will I contact Talkabout Homestay after hours.

6.11 I understand that a homestay environment is not limited to a traditional family structure (mother, father, and children) and that most Australian families have pets. I also understand that Australia is a multi-cultural society, and I cannot discriminate on grounds of race, gender or religion.

6.12 I will submit to TAT staff an evaluation of my homestay host family at the end of the homestay period.

6.13 I am aware that TAT reserves the right to remove me from homestay without further responsibility to relocate me if I do not abide by this Memorandum of Understanding / Preparation Points for Homestay.

6.14 By submitting this form I acknowledge and agree that I have read and understood these terms and conditions and I agree to be bound by them.


Students are encouraged to work through issues with their homestay host directly. This is one of the important challenges presented by the Homestay experience. Should those issues not be resolved satisfactorily then students should speak to a TAT staff member. TAT staff will endeavour to resolve the issue by encouraging the student and family to discuss the issue. If it is not resolved, TAT staff will speak to both parties and try to reach a resolution. If there is still no resolution, TAT staff will take any further action required.


9.1 If an airport transfer is requested, students will be met by a TAT driver with a sign with the student’s name on it.

9.2 Students will be transferred to accommodation in a suitably licensed and insured vehicle.

9.3 If the student does not show up at the airport or cancels the transfer in too short a time to contact the driver, the pick-up fee will be forfeited

     10.  LIABILITY

You acknowledge that during the homestay period my person and my property will be at my own risk and I will not hold TAT or my homestay host liable for any personal injury or loss of property caused by any act or omission of TAT or my homestay host. Please Note: TAT seeks to ensure that the participants in the homestay program are adequately protected against injury or loss or damage to property. However, accidents do happen, and property is at times lost, damaged or stolen and students will not always be totally covered for such injury, loss or damage in all circumstances. Students should consider obtaining their own insurance cover for injury, illness and loss and damage to property for the duration of their participation in the homestay program.