Host Family Terms and Conditions 2024

All families must agree to abide by the following terms and conditions, which may be varied by Talkabout Tours Australia (TTA) at its discretion.

Talkabout Tours—Homestays is a Homestay and Accommodation Settlement Service dedicated to the provision of a high quality of service to our international students and guests. Talkabout Tours maintains a database of suitable families to host these students and visitors. Talkabout Tour’s priority is to supply local families who can offer a warm, caring and safe home environment and who take a genuine interest in their student.

This agreement sets out the terms and conditions on which Talkabout Tours retains persons on its register and the terms and conditions of board arrangement between the Homestay family and any guest who may board with them.

Upon receipt of your application, we will contact you to arrange a suitable time to meet with your family at your home to discuss your application further.
We are confident that the Homestay experience will be mutually rewarding for both your family and your guest alike.

With thanks,

The Team at Talkabout Tours Australia


1.1 The Talkabout Tours host family registers on the condition that the applicant agrees to the terms and conditions set out in this agreement. Talkabout Tours will place the host family on the Talkabout Tours Family database.
1.2 Talkabout Tours has the right to retain the host family on its register and to refer guests to the host family.
1.3 Talkabout Tours cannot guarantee a regular supply of students to registered families due to factors beyond Talkabout Tour’s control e.g. international economic factors, visa regulations, educational policies or border closures.
1.4 Talkabout Tours will inform Homestay families of their student’s travel plans, however is not responsible for the late or non-arrival of a guest who is referred to the Homestay family.
1.5 Talkabout Tours reserves the right to remove any student from the Host family at any time if we feel a situation is serious enough to warrant early termination. This is entirely at Talkabout Tour’s discretion. When students are here for a very short time, as is the case with Study Tours, we may not have time to mediate and so reserve the right to move students without notice if there is a problem.


2.1 The Homestay family must disclose to Talkabout Tours if any household member who will be staying in their home, whilst a student is residing there, has been charged or convicted of any criminal offence. Each permanent household resident over 18 must possess a current Police Clearance which is to be provided to Talkabout Tours. If hosting students under the age of 18 years, each household member over 18 must have a Working with Children Clearance. Working with Children Application Forms can be provided by Talkabout Tours and can be lodged at most Australia Post branches.

2.2 If the Homestay family gives a guest termination notice, or receives notice of termination from a guest, the homestay family will immediately inform Talkabout Tours to ensure their inclusion in our room availability list, therefore assisting Talkabout Tours in the on-going provision of students to the Family. Either party can give 2 weeks’ notice (for over 18yrs students) at any time, for any reason, to terminate the Homestay arrangement.

If the student is under 18 yrs, Talkabout Tours requires written notice explaining why the Homestay family would like to terminate this agreement and Talkabout Tours will strive to assist with resolving any issues. If a mutual agreement cannot be reached, Talkabout Tours will relocate the student to an alternate Homestay family.


3.1 This document sets out the terms and conditions which will regulate the relationship between the Talkabout Tours Homestay family and any guest/s who may board with them. However, it is acknowledged and agreed that Talkabout Tours acts as an agent on behalf of its guests and Talkabout Tours is not responsible to the Homestay family or the students other than is expressly provided for in this agreement. In each instance when a guest boards with the Homestay family, the parties to that agreement are and shall be deemed to be the Homestay family and the guest.


While we hope your main reason for joining the Homestay Program isn’t for financial gain, there is remuneration provided to cover costs. This varies depending on age, inclusions and level of care.

4.2 Talkabout Tours will collect all homestay funds for the duration of the student’s stay and will pass this on to Homestay families by weekly direct deposit, with the first payment made no later than 7 days after the guest’s arrival at the Homestay. It is important that we are informed, should a student wish to stay beyond their requested departure date.

4.3 The homestay payment is calculated on a nightly basis. Divide the weekly fee by 7 to arrive at a daily rate.

4.4 Talkabout Tours will retain a $20.00 weekly fee for students while administering payments to families.

4.5 The Homestay family agrees to supply Talkabout Tours with Bank Account details for us to set up payments.

4.6 Internet must be made available, free of charge, to students and is a pre-requisite for hosting. This is for work and communication purposes only. If students wish to game, stream or download movies, and you need to increase your current internet plan to accommodate, discuss with your student. A reasonable contribution to the increased internet cost can be borne by the student but should not exceed $15 weekly. This will need to be collected directly from your student.

The Homestay family agrees that the relationship between them and each guest of Talkabout Tours who boards with them will be subject to the ‘Terms and Conditions of Homestay’ set out in the attached schedule.

5.1 Talkabout Tours acts as a mediator

5.1.1 Upon request Talkabout Tours will assist either party with any problem they may experience with any Homestay arrangement. Talkabout Tours will assist the guest and the Homestay family by acting as a mediator to facilitate a resolution of any problem. It is acknowledged however that Talkabout Tours is not responsible for any act or omission of either party.

5.2 INSURANCE (Adequate insurance is a pre-requisite to hosting)

5.2.1 It is a legal obligation that Homestay families need to have Public Liability Insurance covering homestay students residing in your home. This covers you in the unlikely event that a student injures themselves in your home, and you are liable. Please note that many Public Liability insurance policies offered as part of your home insurance package do not cover paying guests. You will need to check with your insurance company. This can be a simple case of changing your insurance code or it may need changing insurers. Talkabout Tours does not provide insurance but can supply a list of insurers who offer this component. Proof of insurance will need to be provided to Talkabout Tours on request.

5.2.2 Contents insurance covering students is strongly recommended to guard yourself against damage and theft. House and contents insurance policies do not necessarily include guests or borders. Please check with your insurance provider. A policy to cover the guests, homestay family members, property and other guests to the Homestay home is the sole responsibility of the Homestay family.

5.2.3 Students will only be liable for a maximum of $500 for any one incident resulting in damage to house or contents. Please ensure that your deductable is less than this amount.

5.2.4 If you do not have adequate insurance, let Talkabout Tours know and we can advise.

5.2.5 The Homestay family shall indemnify and shall keep Talkabout Tours harmless from and against all suits actions or claims arising from or incidental to any personal damage occasioned to or caused by a Homestay guest, the Homestay family or any of their respective guests.


5.3.1 Bedroom
To provide to the guest a bedroom in which there is a minimum of the following: a good quality bed, a desk, a chair, a lamp and a wardrobe, plus suitable lighting for study and heating/cooling where necessary. It is important that a good standard of cleanliness and hygiene is maintained within the room. Bedrooms must have an opening window, a door and floor to ceiling walls that provide privacy and insulation from noise.

5.3.2 Sheets/Linen
To provide clean bed linen and bath towels weekly.

5.3.3 Facilities
To make available to the guest the use of all common domestic facilities including power, water, bathroom, toilet, laundry, kitchen and dining and lounge/family room.

5.3.4 Laundry
The Homestay families have the option of teaching the guest how to use the laundry facilities for themselves and giving them free access or to include the guest’s washing (if the guest agrees) as part of the family’s regular load.

5.3.5 Meals
Standard Homestay: Provide the student with ingredients for breakfast and to provide a prepared substantial and nutritious dinner (evening meal) every day. On weekends and non-school days, the family is also required to provide lunches for the student (if at home).

Full-Board Homestay: To provide the student with ingredients for breakfast and to provide a prepared substantial and nutritious dinner (evening meal) every day. The family will also need to provide nutritious ingredients for all lunches and assist with the preparation, if the student is too young/inexperienced to prepare their own.

It is asked that families dine with their students of an evening as an opportunity to practice English and make the student feel part of the family.

5.3.6 Visitors & Telephone
To permit the guest to have visitors from time to time and to receive incoming telephone calls if you have a landline.

5.3.7 General

To be courteous, respectful, and friendly to the guest and to make the guest welcome as part of the family.
~To ensure the guest can travel independently to and from the school they are attending (This usually means travelling to school with them on or before their first day)
~To respect the guest’s privacy and property
~To encourage the guest to speak English as often as possible and to provide opportunities for English conversation
~To assist with homework if required and to be patient in conversation with the guest
~To care for the guest’s health and well-being whilst staying with the family.

5.3.8 Safety

~Ensure students have their family’s address and contact number
~Show students how to lock doors and windows and set security systems
~Ensure students know that Perth is NOT safe at night and that they should not be alone after dark

5.3.9 House Rules

Families are encouraged to draw up a list of their house rules so that there can be no confusion on the part of their guests. This should be handed to students or displayed shortly after arrival. This can include mealtimes, internet usage, security, use of kitchen, laundry and other facilities, plus the consumption of water and power.

5.3.10 In the event that a Homestay is terminated because of the Homestay Family’s failure to comply with these Terms & Conditions (or any variation of them evidenced in writing and signed by the guest and the Homestay Family) the full amount of all moneys paid in advance shall be refunded to the guest or to Talkabout Tours on behalf of the guest.

5.3.11 Termination

Either party may terminate the Homestay at any time on 14 days’ notice by serving written notice or by informing verbally (in a clear and mutually understood manner) to the other party.

5.3.12 Illness and Injury

In the event of serious illness or injury outside of school hours, please ensure your guest can obtain medical attention and immediately inform Talkabout Tours.

Hosting an underage student carries more responsibilities than those outlined above.

5.4.1 You are the Primary Care Giver and assume the responsibility of providing appropriate care in a safe, nurturing environment. The common sense rule applies here and you are expected to offer the same level of care and attention you would afford your own child.

5.4.2 Curfew

Please use your discretion here. Underage students should not be out after dark unless with a responsible adult. Set a time you feel is appropriate for your guest to be home. Talkabout Tours has individual hosting contracts for different schools and colleges which have more detailed information.

5.4.3 Please use your discretion when leaving an underage student alone at home. What would you do if the student was your own child? Under no circumstances is an underage student to be left home alone overnight.

5.4.4 A Working with Children clearance is required

5.4.5 An underage student’s emotional requirements can be greater than an adult’s. Please be patient and understanding and know the difficulties associated with leaving a family behind and coming to a new country with a different culture and language.

5.4.6 Families are expected to attend parent/teacher nights and may be called upon to enrol the student in a school.

5.4.7 School Camps are organized through the school and you will need to sign a permission slip.

5.4.8 It is necessary for any underage student travelling to be accompanied by a blood relative, over 21 years, or someone from your family who is over 21 years old, and permission is needed from the biological parent.

5.49 If you are unsure of any of your obligations or have any questions, call Talkabout Tours


5.5.1 Families are expected to report to Talkabout Tours (especially if hosting under 18’s) if their guest is exhibiting:
• Excessive homesickness
• Unsafe practices
• Serious health/medical issues/injuries
• Strong behavioural problems

5.5.2 Inform Talkabout Tours about room availability

5.5.3 Check bank account to ensure correct remuneration

5.5.4 Inform Talkabout Tours of any change of circumstances. This includes any alteration to your student’s living or sleeping areas since your home was visited by a Talkabout Tours representative. See 6.5


Students have agreed to the following:

5.6.1 Payment
The guest is required to pay a minimum of 2 weeks of Homestay fees, unless underage or on a study tour, to Talkabout Tours prior to the commencement of homestay. This is then passed on to the Host Family. All homestay funds will be collected by Talkabout for the duration of homestay and passed on to the Host family weekly.  If a guest wishes to remain in homestay beyond the duration initially requested, and the host family is happy for them to remain in their home, the host family needs to inform Talkabout Tours as soon as possible.

5.6.2 Cleanliness
• To keep any bedroom used tidy
• To keep clothes in the wardrobe provided
• To make own bed each morning
• To change own sheets when required
• To leave in a clean and tidy state any facilities after use including bathroom, toilet, laundry and kitchen.

5.6.3 Damage
To report to the Homestay Family any accidents in or about the home and to pay for any breakages or damage caused by the guest. This is limited to $500 per incident or less dependent on the family’s insurance deductable.

5.6.4 Visitors
To advise the Homestay Family in advance of any proposed visits by a friend or friends and only permit friends to attend when suitable and convenient to the Homestay Family and to ensure that all visitors abide by the reasonable requests and requirements of the Homestay Family.

5.6.5 Telephone
To limit phone calls to times that do not inconvenience the Homestay Family and to only make outgoing calls on the landline by prior arrangement with the Homestay Family. Families to use their discretion on how mobile phones are to be used during meal times and late at night.

5.6.6 Advise of late arrival
To advise the Homestay Family in advance if arriving home late or not attending any prepared meal.

5.6.7 Termination
Either party may terminate the Homestay at any time on 14 days’ notice by serving written notice or by informing verbally (in a clear and mutually understood manner) to the other party and Talkabout Tours.

5.6.8 If the Homestay is terminated and the Homestay Family has been paid fees which cover a period beyond the 14 days’ notice, those funds will be refunded to the guest or to Talkabout Tours on the guest’s behalf.

5.6.9 The Homestay Family shall be entitled to payment of fees due during the 14 days’ notice period, whether or not the guest continues to reside with the Homestay Family.

5.6.10 The guest will respect the property and privacy of their host homestay host’s personal belongings and affairs and acknowledge that they will be liable for all costs incurred during the homestay period which are not included in the homestay fee. Any excessive use of utilities will be defined as above and beyond normal usage for the household as evidenced by utility bills for comparable periods. If an agreement cannot be reached the guest will refer to the Dispute Resolution below. The guest acknowledges and agrees that they will be liable for any loss or damage caused to my host family’s property.

5.6.11 Internet Usage
The student agrees to abide by the family rules regarding internet usage.

5.6.12 Water and Electricity Usage
Guests are obligated to keep water use within reason. Ie. Keep showers to maximum of 10 minutes and only wash clothes when there is a full load. Electric heaters and air-conditioners are not to be left on continuously.

5.6.13 Security
Guests agree to keep the house secure by locking windows and doors and seeking permission before asking friends over

5.6.14 Family Rules
Students agree to abide by family rules

6.1 I understand that Homestay is not a hotel. I am prepared to treat my guest like any other member of my family.

6.2 I will make every effort to interact and take an interest in my guest.

6.3 I confirm that the main language used within the home amongst family members is English.

6.4 I confirm that we do not accommodate more than 3 students at one time (unless there are exceptional circumstances in which Talkabout Tours is informed and is in full agreement with.)
6.5 I/we agree to inform Talkabout Tours of any alterations in any of the circumstances of the following:

• Address or contact details
• Changes to the student bedroom/s
• Household members living in the house either permanently or temporarily.
• Occupations or significant lifestyle changes within the household.
• Smoking or attitudes to smoking
• Facilities available to the student
• Loss or addition of pets
• Contraction of any illness, physical, mental or emotional in the household.
• Criminal conviction of any member of the household
• The family/parent(s)plan to go on vacation without the student

6.6 Student placement can only be guaranteed for the period of the original length of time requested (Unless either party opts out having given 2 weeks’ notice.) Extension of the original placement term is decided by mutual agreement between your family and the guest.

6.6 Host families are expected to host their guest for a minimum period of two weeks to give themselves and the student time to adjust to each other. However, if exceptional circumstances require the student to be relocated, this will be arranged promptly by Talkabout Tours

6.7 By submitting this form I acknowledge and agree that I have read and understood these terms and conditions and I agree to be bound by them.

Host families are encouraged to work through issues with their homestay guest directly. This is one of the important challenges presented by the Homestay experience. Should those issues not be resolved satisfactorily, then families should speak to a Talkabout Tours staff member. If the situation is still problematic, Talkabout Tours staff will speak to both parties and try to reach a resolution. If unsuccessful, Talkabout Tours staff will take any further action required.


I acknowledge that during the homestay period my person and my property will be at my own risk and I will not hold Talkabout Tours or my homestay student liable for any personal injury or loss of property caused by any act or omission of Talkabout Tours. I have checked with my insurance provider and I am covered for public liability for fee-paying students.
Please Note: Talkabout Tours seeks to ensure that the participants in the homestay program are adequately protected against injury or loss or damage to property. However, accidents do happen, and property is at times lost, damaged or stolen and you may not always be totally covered for such injury, loss or damage in all circumstances. Families should obtain insurance cover for injury, illness and loss and damage to property for the duration of their participation in the homestay program.


I understand that the information on the Host Family Application Form is used for the primary purpose of assessing my homestay application. The information collected may be used for correspondence with the homestay family and partner institution / student’s agent, and student and for administrative matters including database entry and family matching, statistical analysis, compliance and legislative reporting requirements. If all the questions on the Application Form are not completed, it may not be possible to process my homestay application. I undertake to provide correct and complete information.