Why do families apply to host international students?

Families apply to host for many reasons.  Sometimes they want to expose their children to other cultures, sometimes their children have left home and they are missing the company of young people.  Sometimes their homes are just feeling a little empty. What all our Hosts have in common is a desire to help, share their knowledge and experience, and learn about different people and cultures.

How does Talkabout ensure a family is suitable?

When we receive an application from a family, we first check if they live in a suitable area. That means being close to public transport, shops and reasonably near the school or university. Then, we pay them a visit. We take a look around the house and student bedrooms, and we have a chat with the family to make sure they’re a good fit. We’re interested in why they want to host, their background, their interests, and their previous hosting experience.

Who will be my host?

Perth is a culturally diverse city, with residents coming from all over the world. English is the primary language, and we make sure to place you with hosts who speak clear and understandable English. Your hosts could be couples, retirees, families with children, or single parents. To ensure the best match between our homestay students and hosts, we ask you to complete the application form as comprehensively and accurately as possible. The more we understand about you, the better we can pair you with the right host.

Will my host have pets?

Pets are a big part of many Perth families’ lives. In fact, Australia ranks among the top countries in the world for pet ownership. Some of our hosts have dogs or cats that they consider part of their family, and these pets often live indoors. Don’t worry, though – before we place a student, we visit the home to ensure that any animals are safe for our visiting students. If you have allergies or other reasons for preferring not to stay with a host who has pets, please let us know in your application.

How will I get to school?

In Perth, most people live in suburban neighbourhoods and typically spend up to 60 minutes commuting to school or work. The city has a safe and clean public transport system. Talkabout Homestay chooses homes that are located near bus and train routes, ensuring easy access so that you can get to your school or university. You can access bus and train schedules and routes at the Transperth website. Your homestay family will show you the way to and from school on or before the first day of classes so that you are familiar with the bus schedule and route. It’s important to note that hosts are not obligated to provide daily transportation.

What is supplied by my host family?

You will be supplied with your own private, fully furnished bedroom with a bed and space for hanging and storing your clothes.

You will be supplied with sheets, blankets, bed coverings and towels.  These are usually your responsibility to clean.

You will have access to a toilet and shower.  These are normally shared with the rest of the household so please keep them clean.

You will have access to a washing machine-  If you are unsure how to use it, please ask your Host family.

Most Host families will provide you a well lit desk in your bedroom.  If this is not supplied, there will be a quiet area in the home where you can study

Please look after house keys supplied to you and make sure the house is kept locked. Some families ask for a key deposit.

Gas, electricity and water are included in your Homestay fee provided you use them responsibly.

Free wifi is supplied for study purposes.  Please check with your family before streaming or downloading. There may be an extra charge for excess usage, depending on your host’s internet plan.


Breakfast in Australia usually consists of toast and cereal or fruit and yogurt and normally you prepare this yourself.

Lunch is provided on weekends and often consists of sandwiches or left-overs from the previous night’s dinner and you will normally need to prepare this yourself. Your midday meal from Monday to Friday is not supplied by your host family, however most schools have a canteen where you can purchase lunch quite inexpensively. You can also purchase your own food and prepare it at home if you wish. If you do require lunches during the week some families are able to supply this for an extra cost. Please let us know on your application.

The Australian diet is very multi-cultural and you will hopefully have the chance to try dishes from around the world! Dinner often consists of meat and vegetables but can also be stir-frys, pizza or pasta and usually has bread on the side.  While rice is popular in Australia, it is not eaten daily and is not always an accompaniment to meals.  Please be prepared to try new foods.  Remember that you are not only in Australia to learn at school, you are also here to learn about our way of life.

It is customary to help your families at meal time.  This can mean setting the table for dinner, helping to clean up or helping with the cooking.

What is expected of me?

Please offer to help your family with the housework. Very few families have servants and men, women and children share the housework in most families.   Offering to help tidying the home, doing the washing up and laying the dinner table is normal in Australia. Helping with meal preparation is a good way to improve both your English and cooking skills. It is also your responsibility to keep the bathroom and your bedroom tidy.

Homestay is an excellent way to improve your English so please take advantage of this opportunity.  Your Hosts will be more than happy to help you with your school work and general English skills. Families have asked for students to be placed in their homes for the company and cultural exchange. Please do not spend too much time in your room. Make a point of talking to your hosts and asking about their day, sharing your day and experiences with them and offering to help out when needed. Most families feel a little uncomfortable when their student only comes out for meals. Be PART of the family. If you’re making a cup of tea, offer to make them one too.

Students are obliged to follow the rules of the homestay family. Students over the age of 18 do not have curfews, but students are encouraged to let their host families know their daily schedule and when they expect to return home each day, especially during evening hours. As an international student in a homestay, keeping your homestay family informed of school schedules, introducing your homestay family to your friends, and keeping your homestay family informed of your travel plans are safety factors for your protection. They allow the homestay family to be more aware of situations where you may need assistance. Please let your family know well in advance, (by 4pm is a good idea) if you will be late home, staying out, or missing dinner. They worry. Please ask your family if it is OK to bring guests to your home. It is the polite thing to do.

You will need to advise Talkabout Tours if you smoke as we will need to ensure you are placed with a family that is okay with you smoking. Some Host families do not host students who smoke. It is very important that you inform us if you are a smoker, even if it is only an occasional thing.  Failure to tell us may result in you being asked to leave the home, incurring an extra Placement Fee.  If you are a smoker, smoking is never permitted inside your bedroom as it could cause a fire and will make the house smell. You can often smoke outside the house or on a veranda or balcony if the family is in agreement. Please be respectful of where you smoke in the home or outside and dispose of your butts thoughtfully.

If you break a regular cup or glass etc and it was an accident you will not usually have to pay for it. However, if you break a window, a door, some furniture or some furnishings lose a phone or some item you have borrowed then it is YOUR responsibility to repair or replace…. Even if it was an accident!! Please be careful and talk to your host family about using appliances if you are uncertain how to use them.

Please use these responsibly as they are expensive and environmentally damaging.  Please discuss about washing your clothes, saving water and appropriate times (and lengths) to take a shower. Try to keep your showers to a maximum of 5 minutes-Australia is a very dry country and families pay for water by the litre.  Please use heaters and coolers only when necessary and if you are not using lights, please switch them off. You can help the environment by putting on extra clothes or asking for an extra blanket if you are cold.  Using excess electricity can result in extra fees.

While considered a very safe city, it is always better to travel with a buddy at night. If you are alone and it is night time, catch a taxi or Uber home.

Our families are all interviewed and the homes are checked for suitability and all members of the family over 18 years are Police checked however we would appreciate your help in evaluating them as Hosts.  Please fill out our online Homestay Evaluation Form during or after your stay and let us know about your Homestay experience.

How long can I stay?

The length of your stay is flexible and depends on the comfort and agreement of both you and the host family. Typically, our minimum Homestay duration is four weeks. When you request and pay for a specific period, you’re guaranteed a Homestay for that duration. Many students like to continue staying with their host family beyond their initially requested period, and most families are open to this possibility. However, the decision is ultimately at the discretion of the host.

In case you need to depart your family before the initially agreed-upon time, please ensure that you give Talkabout Homestay and the host family a two-week notice.

How do I pay my family?

Talkabout collects all funds and makes all accommodation payments to families.  You have the choice of paying 10-weekly (standard), 5-weekly or for the entire length of time requested. You will be sent an online form with payment options and be sent a receipt for each payment. This can be done by credit card or electronic transfer. If your original requested time in Homestay has finished, and you wish to remain with the family, let Talkabout Homestay know, and if the family is available, you will continue to be invoiced by Talkabout.   If you are over 18 you can give 2-weeks notice to move out at any time.

What if I am not happy with my Homestay family?

At Talkabout Homestay, our aim is to ensure that your stay is a great experience for both you and your Australian hosts. Most students are very content with our choice of homes. However, if you find yourself unsatisfied with your Homestay, you have the option to request a transfer. With two weeks’ notice, you can leave at any time.

We are committed to ensuring that reasonable concerns are heard and addressed promptly. In rare situations where Talkabout Homestay believes that the accommodation does not meet reasonable requirements, a transfer will be arranged and there will be no additional charge for finding you a new family.

We look forward to seeing you in Perth and are confident that you will have a safe, fun and rewarding experience, make new friends and take home wonderful memories to last a lifetime!

How will I get around?

In Perth, most people live in suburban neighbourhoods and typically spend around 45 minutes commuting to school or work. The city has a safe and clean public transport system. Talkabout Homestay chooses homes that are located near bus and train routes, ensuring easy access so that you can get to your school or university. It’s important to note that hosts are not obligated to provide daily transportation.

Who will be my host?

Perth is a culturally diverse city, with residents coming from all over the world. English is the primary language, and we make sure to place you with hosts who speak clear and understandable English. Your hosts could be couples, retirees, families with children, or single parents. To ensure the best match between our homestay students and hosts, we ask you to complete the application form as comprehensively and accurately as possible. The more we understand about you, the better we can pair you with the right host.

How does Talkabout Homestay ensure hosts are suitable?

When we receive an application from a family, we first check if they live in a suitable area. That means being close to public transport, shops and reasonably near the school or university. Then, we pay them a visit. We take a look around the house and student bedrooms, and we have a chat with the family to make sure they’re a good fit. We’re interested in why they want to host, their background, their interests, and their previous hosting experience.

Will my host have pets?

Pets are a big part of many Perth families’ lives. In fact, Australia ranks among the top countries in the world for pet ownership. Some of our hosts have dogs or cats that they consider part of their family, and these pets often live indoors. Don’t worry, though – before we place a student, we visit the home to ensure that any animals are safe for our visiting students. If you have allergies or other reasons for preferring not to stay with a host who has pets, please let us know in your application.

How long can I stay?

The length of your stay is flexible and depends on the comfort and agreement of both you and the host family. Typically, our minimum Homestay duration is two weeks. When you request and pay for a specific period, you’re guaranteed a Homestay for that duration. Many students like to continue staying with their host family beyond their initially requested period, and most families are open to this possibility. However, the decision is ultimately at the discretion of the host.

In case you need to depart your family before the initially agreed-upon time, please ensure that you give Talkabout Homestay and the host family a two-week notice.

What if I am not happy with my Homestay family?

At Talkabout Homestay, our aim is to ensure that your stay is a great experience for both you and your Australian hosts. Most students are very content with our choice of homes. However, if you find yourself unsatisfied with your Homestay, you have the option to request a transfer. With two weeks’ notice, you can leave at any time.

We are committed to ensuring that reasonable concerns are heard and addressed promptly. In rare situations where Talkabout Homestay believes that the accommodation does not meet reasonable requirements, a transfer will be arranged and there will be no additional charge for finding you a new family.

We look forward to seeing you in Perth and are confident that you will have a safe, fun and rewarding experience, make new friends and take home wonderful memories to last a lifetime!